What you'll see when you enter a Jam Royale club will be an open floor area where players can casually mingle and knock some musical ideas around. There they can get themselves ready to jump on stage (if they choose!) where a main jam will take place.
How the main jam works:
Sign up to start a new session on stage. The stage is yours until another name is added to the sign-up sheet; then the time limits are in effect. You'll get a ten second allowance to plug-in or mic-up and then one minute to impress the audience unless you're joined on stage by other members. You get an additional minute for each player who joins you at the moment they join you. Once the last player's time is up it's time to clear the stage and start an all-new session, started by the next member on the sign-up sheet. Players whose time has expired can sign right back up and get in line to start another session. The Master of Ceremonies will moderate the number on stage, manage the time limits, and generally keep things flowing. This is our built-in checks-and-balances system that keeps things fair and interesting.